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Your donation to the United Way of Adams County Campaign gets invested back into the community right here in Adams County. We are united in our mission to create a healthier community, foster youth opportunities, and support financial security. Our annual campaign supports initiatives such as Bag the Bounty which addresses local food insecurity, Ready to Learn which promotes early childhood education, and our Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA) which has brought over $1 million dollars back to our community in the form of tax returns. Together we can support Adams County. United is the way.
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``Being on a fixed income makes saving every penny a must-do and when it came time for my taxes to be filed, the VITA program at United Way has helped me get the most out of my refund each year. When a few of my tax forms arrived late this year after initially filing in February, United Way helped me file an amended return, which resulted in some additional refunded money that helped me keep my bills paid.`` - Darlene, Adams County Resident & recipient of VITA services
``I am proud to be a member of the School Readiness Committee which provides a unique learning experience. This committee allows kindergarten teachers and preschool staff to interact for ongoing educational success. Building strong relationships with educators across the county has proven to be a benefit for our students!`` - Dawn, Kindergarten Teacher in Littlestown School District and School Readiness Committee member
Sixty-year old Barbara feared that she would end up homeless after her hours at work were cut, leaving her unable to pay her rent. Faced with having to pay her rent or buy food, her car had also broken down and was in need of repairs. Without money for the repairs and lacking a means of transportation, she was unable to work another job to supplement her income. After calling PA 211, Barbara was referred to New Hope Ministries and South Central Community Action Program (SCCAP) for assistance with her needs. United Way of Adams County works together with PA 211 to help our community identify where to get help in times of need.
The mission of the United Way of Adams County is to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of our community.