Ready to Learn


Ready to Learn is an early learning initiative of the United Way of Adams County. Ready to Learn, a community impact program, promotes quality early learning, emphasizes parent educational programs, and supports education professionals.

Preparing Preschoolers for Success

Promoting Parent Education and Resources

Supporting Preschool and Kindergarten Educators

School Readiness Committee

The School Readiness Committee, composed of kindergarten and preschool teachers, meets to collaborate and promote transition activities between preschool and the start of kindergarten. The committee provides networking, collaboration, and professional development opportunities for preschool staff, kindergarten staff, and community partners.

“I am proud to be a member of the School Readiness Committee which provides a unique learning experience. This committee allows kindergarten teachers and preschool staff to interact for ongoing educational success. Building strong relationships with educators across the country has proven to be a benefit for our students!”
-Dawn Kelly, Kindergarten Teacher and School Readiness Committee Member



Children ages birth through age 5 live in Adams County


Is the average number of Adams County children reading below grade level at the end of 3rd grade


Of Adams County children under age 18 live below the poverty line

PA's Promise for Children

PA Promise for Children is a coordinated statewide campaign to raise awareness about the value of quality early learning for our young children. Resource topics for parents include Understanding Development, Preparing for School, Child Care, Health Care, Parenting Challenges, and Financial Assistance.


Access to quality and affordable childcare is an issue for many Adams County families. We’re working with members of the childcare community for solutions that support childcare workers and families alike.

Impact Programs

School Supplies Drive

Many Adams County families struggle to purchase school supplies for their children each year. We all know that our children need adequate supplies to be successful in school. Our annual Back to School project collects and distributes backpacks and school supplies to families struggling to make ends meet.

Professional Development and Networking

The annual Bridging the Gap Professional Development Seminar provides state professional development hours while allocating time for networking between school districts, preschool staff, and child center partners. Contact our Ready to Learn Director for information.

Gettysburg First 10

The Gettysburg First 10 initiatives are supporting community partnerships with child centered organizations and medical professionals to emphasize and build families’ strengths while improving outcomes for children. The first 10 years of a child’s life are a critical development period. Gettysburg First 10 promotes initiatives such as The Basics, a free educational texting service for parents, Baby Bags that are distributed to new parents at WellSpan Gettysburg, Welcome Bags for incoming kindergarten students in the GASD, and co-chair of the Week of the Young Child Celebration.

Read Across America

Read Across America is an annual event that promotes the joy of reading, especially among children. In honor of Dr. Seuss’ birthday each year, Ready to Learn coordinates guest readers for preschool classrooms to encourage the love of reading in our county’s children. If interested in volunteering for this event contact Ready to Learn Director, Diana Fasnacht.

Week of the Young Child

The purpose of the Week of the Young Child is to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families and to identify the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs. The Week of the Young Child is a week-long nationwide celebration to recognize young children, their families and early childhood professionals who care for them. Follow Ready to Learn Facebook page for event details each spring.

Community Events

Ready to Learn is present at community events throughout the year to support youth opportunities. If you would like Ready to Learn to participate at your event, please contact our Ready to Learn Director.

Need Help?

Contact our Ready to Learn Director Diana Fasnacht Now!

Or Call!

(717) 334-5809