211 Community Directory

PA 211



211 is the most comprehensive source of locally curated social services information in the US. 211 allows all residents of Pennsylvania to have access to customized health, housing and human services information in one place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 211 is a one-stop resource to find information about community services; no more guessing or unnecessary calls. Language services are available in more than 170 languages and dialects. Every hour of every day, someone searches for services, from substance abuse treatment to care for a child or an aging parent. 211’s specially trained Call Specialists can assist by answering your questions and connecting you to thousands of health and human services programs in your community.
  • Basic Human Needs Resources: food banks and supplemental food and nutrition programs, shelters, rent and utility payment assistance
  • Physical and Mental Health and Substance Abuse Resources: health care, vaccination and health epidemic information, crisis intervention services, support groups, counseling, a confidential path out of physical and/or emotional domestic abuse, addiction prevention and rehabilitation programs
  • Employment Support: financial assistance, job training, education programs
  • Support for Older Adults and Persons with Disabilities: home-delivered meals, transportation, health care
  • Services for Veterans
  • Reentry Help for Ex-Offenders
  • Youth and Child Care Programs: after school programs, summer camps, mentoring, protection services
  • Emergency information and disaster relief
Simply dial the numbers 211 from any phone and you will be connected with a trained specialist. They are available 24/7 at no cost!




Get help with our top resources for low-cost and emergency housing in PA.


Get connected to our most-requested PA resources for utility bill payment assistance.


Get help with our most-requested resources for food, groceries, and meals in PA.

Employment and Expenses

Get connected to our top PA resources for employment, general financial assistance, and debt relief. 


Get help with our top resources for COVID-19 health needs, and general health and dental care in PA.

Mental Health

Get connected to our most-requested PA resources for crisis lines, counseling, and treatment.

Contact PA 211 Now! +211

Just Dial 211 or Text your Zip Code to 898-211